Introducing Xeila

Los Angeles-based alt-pop artist Xeila has released their newest single, “Colors”. The uptempo alternative pop track features slick production and songwriting, all showcasing pop singer-songwriter Ross Rocco’s, who performs under the moniker Xeila, crystal clear and emotive vocals. About the song, Xeila had this to say: “This song talks about how I’ve been struggling to letContinue reading “Introducing Xeila”

Introducing Fire By Night

Phoenix Arizona Alt Rock band Fire By Night has released their newest single, “Ghost”, just in time for Halloween Weekend. The track is a hard modern rock song that showcases the powerful vocals of Kai Vander Maten.  The song is the band’s follow up to the single “Menagerie”, which released in Spring of 2022. TheContinue reading “Introducing Fire By Night”

Introducing Embers

Alternative Emo artist Embers has released his new EP, EMO SZN. The EP was written over the course of COVID, as Embers found himself dealing with the same mental health issues many of us had during lockdown. “I recorded EMO SZN over the course of a few months in my home studio when COVID had hit its peak,” explains Embers. “HavingContinue reading “Introducing Embers”

Eugenia Post Meridiem reveal the edgy and alluring ‘whisper’

For fans who enjoy the mystical universe of Hiatus Kaiyote, Christine and the Queens, PYJÆN and Tame Impala.  Italian Indie band Eugenia Post Meridiem’s sound is eccentric, abstract and refreshingly intangible, allowing the listener’s own interpretation and understanding to take flight.  This rings true for third single ‘whisper’ the edgy, alluring and utterly enticing darkContinue reading “Eugenia Post Meridiem reveal the edgy and alluring ‘whisper’”